June 20th, 2010
"woke up at 5:30 AM and got ready to go up on the hill to see Mama Ruth and her people. We planned to make the hike and then go have church under the tree! We were so excited. We began the hike in dress clothes: skirt, necklaces, v-neck, and...hiking shoes! It was shaky on which route to take at the beginning, but after about three different tries and backtracks we settled on one. It took two and a half hours of hiking up rocks and around thorns to get there. Pastor Paul struggled with his leg, but after some time made it. He was awesome and persevered happily the whole time. AMazing. Also, the Pastors' wives and their children slowed us down. We finally made it up and communed under THE tree. It looked much different this year in the day time...the rains had come and the trees and greenery had come in. THere was no cliff, just an open field. It was beautiful in a different way than the year before. We sat on their makeshift twig benches and began service. "Because of time" was used too many times. A children, youth, and womens' choirs performed for the service and then introductions of ALL kinds were made. Brian preached for twenty minutes, then Mary encouraged the involvement and growth and the leadership of the elders. Pastors Paul, John, Charles, and Moses spoke encouragement and thanks. Mimi, Ellie and I got to dance and worship with the childrens' chest popping choir. We all rotated in circles doing various moves looking to them for guidance. Mama Ruth came up after and blessed us by clapping four simple times with the community. (a tribal sign of highest respect). After the service we had childrens service. We sang songs then Lauren shared the gospel via the color book. After that we passed out candy. The forty or so children sat there so obedient and polite which was UNUSUAL compared to the other experiences with children and these "sweet treats." They held out their hands and waiting patiently. After that, I was able to take pictures of many of the children and women, which showed they were MUCH more trusting of us this year than the year before. After that, we walked across the field through the wood to an isolated small pond to the baptisms. TWENTY FIVE of them who decided to make that decision! THAT IS CRAZY! It was very special and probably one of the highlights of the trip. The year before, a pastor had come to them the week before and this year twenty five firm believers were represented here. The Lord works. I saw that here. We were able to give them Bibles in Masaii and towels and blankets. IT was special. After, we were invited to Mama Ruth's house. We sat in the "big" room with mud and sticks surrounding us. FLecks of light trickled through and splashed the faces of those there. "Teaching his disciples" was written on a wooden house board. BEAUTIFUL. She made us rice and had traveled down the hill herself to buy AND carry back up the hill cokes for all of us! This was so sweet and obviously over the top. I cannot wrap my mind around it. The faithfulness of Rut amazes me. SHe bowed before her Lord the nine years asking GOd to bring truth to her people. Every time people would pass her they would make fun of her- an elder! Ten years later, here we are. We are experiencing how the Lord answers prayers in his own time. We had to leave earlier to escape going down in the dark...on the way up we saw ostrich and baboons! It took us an hour and a half to get back down. We got back to the hotel about nine somehow. We returned and had debrief and said our thank yous for the pastors courage and faithful LOVE for these people. We were also so thankful for Mary and Faith's knowledge of the word and confidence in God's power and goodness. It was a good day and I am so honored and encouraged that I can call these people my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you Lord. Now to wake up in the morning at five to go to the Masaii Mara for safari. This trip is over and I have learned much. "
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