Honesty. That is what I want most in life. Here she goes. Honesty. This summer's dose of honesty.

Honestly, this has been the oddest summer to date. What are we supposed to do when we feel homeless? What are we supposed to do when we feel lonely? What are we supposed to do when we feel like we don't have purpose? Sadly, these have been just a few of the questions I have been asking myself daily. I really had no idea what this summer meant for me as I sat at home (most friends off on some great adventure or doing other great things). Coming home from college was supposed to be so exciting! It was supposed to be about getting to spend each summer in paradise soaking up lazy days of doing absolutely nothing with the friends you see ONLY when returning home! God, however, had another plan in store for me. I don't know fully what I have learned but I have learned that we have purpose here, where we are. I can be praying everyday for those around me as well as those who are far from me. I realized something deep and dark buried within me that I have tried to cover for a long time. This deep dark feeling is the feeling of not valuing people (those I call my friends and those I do not). Whether this feeling comes from the root of fear or not, I have been encouraged to dig within myself and ask very important questions. After many conversations with God and others, I have realized that joy comes from others. I must be confident with who I am in God in order for God to use me. He knows what he is doing, and I always forget that. I wouldn't have learned what I learned about prayer and about loving people if I had not been at home this summer.
I am thankful for this summer, but it still is the oddest summer to date.
(So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.)
Galatians 5:16
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