Home Sweet Home. I find myself in a state of limbo. I am searching for that next home, literally and not so literally. Wherever I go, a sense of dissatisfaction seems to follow. My friend, Julia and I, were talking about how nothing that we do seems to go easily (i.e. anything with the word KROGER). A sad thing happened the other day. I put too much hope in future college housing that seemed too good to be true! It was a beautiful home on the edge of a park in a wonderful family friendly neighborhood. My friends and I had everything planned out- how much money we would save, baking cookies for the neighbors, future babysitting opportunities, the minute by minute "commute to school" (five minutes), etc. What a dream. And then, even more perfect house number two made its way into my view and next thing I know- that did not work out either. The thing is it didn't work out, but it is a good thing there are always more places. Trying to find my next future home, but trying not to make it so fantastical in my head...even though it will be wonderful being able to cook, bake, decorate, paint, sit on the porch, the list goes one... I might of had the slightest bought of homesickness this weekend, but know that with time I will find this place to be more and more my home. Rest easy, Frances. Things aren't easy sometimes. I am not talking about having hard times at all. I am talking about being in a place where there isn't the highest of highs. Rest easy, weary souls. Find delight in the small things...I am here. The fact is, I am in limbo. I am supposed to be learning and growing for what comes next. Let it begin!
"An old believer remarked, that cheerfulness in religion makes all its services come off with delight; and that we are never carried forward so swiftly in the ways of duty as when borne on the wings of delight; adding, that Melancholy clips such wings; or, to alter the figure, takes off our chariot wheels in duty, and makes them, like those of the Egyptians, drag heavily."
"Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us."

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