"All 8 am classes to be rescheduled for later date; 11 am classes to take place as scheduled."
I count myself among the lucky ones, the ones who only had an 8 am class today. After receiving the SCAD class cancellation texts, I partook in the hooplahs and horrahs that followed this great news. It was rainy all day yesterday and was supposed to freeze over last night. Yet here I am, sitting on my new couch looking outside the window at the perfectly crisp day. There is not one speck of ice on the ground and the temperature is hitting a pleasant 38 degrees right now.
Even though the weather is perfectly fine, my plan is to not leave Room 470 today. This is too great of an opportunity to get ahead of the game of school. I have donned my long black dress, fox tights, and boots to sit on the couch all day long while knitting on my 25 mm needles, drinking peppermint tea, reading, writing emails, listening to Frances' "best of" music, returning phone calls, and sketching. ALL DAY LONG. I could not be happier.
Currently listening to: Jamie Cullum's The Pursuit (Just One of Those Things)
Have already listened to this morning: Country Strong, Florence + The Machine, Wilco, Yann Tiersen