So, things started out simply spectacular! Got out of class on Thursday (that's the norm here-be jealous). Things were lovely! My friends and I went to CSF (Christian Student Fellowship) Thursday night and were entertained by the great Mo Leverett. I couldn't resist buying these new tunes I was hearing! "Of Orphans and Kings" is the CD I bought from this bluesy fellow. Listening to it all weekend. Very soothing. That's what I've been needing today- to be soothed.
On Friday was my lovely new friend, Julia's, birthday! 19 and away from home for the first time on a birthday, we showered this gal with warmth and love. Right Julia? Just kidding. We just had a good ole time eating great things from Cha Bella for dinner and Soho South Cafe for lunch. Best meals in three weeks! I am so happy we got to spend the day with her; it was nothing short of bliss!
Saturday, we awoke to road trip and drop my friend, Jordan, off at the airport in Jacksonville . Within the first 10 minutes of the trip, a sorry nail jumped and wedged itself into her tire. This set us back a bit. Don't fret though, she made the flight! phewf. She looked beautiful going to the dance even despite her swollen cheek. Sassy indeed! Finished the day sleeping, eating, and watching a chick flick with some girls.
Sunday is supposed to be restful right?! I awoke to many bites on my legs and realized that yes indeed I have bed bugs! This freaks me out like nothing else could! I have seen one of the bugs, so it just isn't microscopic creatures in my imagination. They are large and they are very much real! What to do, What to do. Stay tuned, I have tried and called many people, but have not gotten much in response from an exterminator or info about a new mattress, etc. Looks like Jordan and I will be bunking in the wonderful Claire, Julia, and Spencer room for the night. Mea Columba!
At least this weekend will conclude with homework on the floor while watching "You've Got Mail" and then another road trip to be reunited with Jordan!
Best of the weekend: two firsts for Julia: 19th birthday away from home and Chick-Fil-A
Worse of the weekend: Bed bugs